Nikon Z7iiPurabi is an experienced photographer based in Limoges, Ontario, Canada. Her passion for photography got intense when she started taking pictures of her little one and the rest of her family. As a photographer, she wants her photos to imagine a brave, exciting world - one in which the subject, be it a product or a person, stands out, and shines. Viewers need to be transported, and her photos achieve that through careful compositions of color and tone. This results from a process by which she brings the creative brief to life and makes the subject part of a story.
This is the power that photography's always had for her. She recognized it when she took her first photo, back when she was traveling in Bali. Eventually, she moved to Canada from India after finding the love of her life. There she broadened her capacities and became a professional photographer, shepherding ideas from event photography to wedding photography and other types of shoots. To each project, she brings her experience and her keen eye.
The other part of her life revolves around her family, especially her daughter. In particular, she wants her to see how vital creativity and discovery are to complete life. So she does things together and experiments with how different things around her can interact. In this way, she believes that her daughter will see that invention can occur at home just as much as it does in popular culture or nature.
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