Nikon D810Brian has been a photographer/filmmaker all of his life. Shooting across the U.S. and in Europe. He has worked in every area from fashion to food, product to photojournalism. He was the photographer for Tyra Banks Americas Next Top Model CW50 Detroit. He has field produced for NBC Sports and NBA Entertainment. He has been an official Grammy award photographer. He has shot and filmed in the Amazon Rain Forest, Liberia West Africa, France and Germany. He has produced Oral Histories documenting historic personalities in the arts and patrons of the arts. He taught directing and camera for LA Film Connection and taught an acting master class for Grad students for the Michigan Opera Theatres Opera Camp. He founded and was producer of Detroit Fashion Week. He was an adjunct professor at Lawrence Technical University for automotive interior/exterior design students and served on the Advisory Boards of the Transportation/Industrial Design Studio, IADT Fashion Design Program and the ART Institute. Brian also served on the board of Fashion Group International-Detroit. He worked as Director, DP and Sound Mix for film projects. He is the documentarian for Hubert Massey - Master Muralist and the only Buon Fresco (True Fresco) artist creating large scale murals in the U.S.
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