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Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.8 von 5 basierend auf 198 Bewertungen für Snappr Partyfotografen in Washington.
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I have always had a fascination with film and cinematography since I was a child. I idolized director Steven Spielberg, and even wrote a letter to him when I was seven years old. As I grew older, my love for the arts manifested in the form of paintings and drawings. I was finally able to fulfill my love for visual art via photography when I purchased my first Nikon D7000 in 2011, and began my side career as a photographer.
I love the "cinematic" photos. As someone who enjoys movies and cinematography, I love to capture as much emotion and drama as I can in a photo. Pictures are like mini-movies to me; the best ones are the ones that speak for themselves. You don't have to explain what is happening in the photo or give it any context, it speaks for itself.
I love photographing in downtown DC near the monuments, especially during the autumn months, as well as during peak cherry blossom season in early spring.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro Party-Auftrag | 4.8 |
Party Washington Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 68 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Party-Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 3.0 |
Party Fotos pro Stunde in Washington aufgenommen | 511 |