Snappr bringt dich mit ausgewählten immobilien-Fotografen in Miami zusammen. Noch nie war es so einfach und so erschwinglich.
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Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.9 von 5 basierend auf 153 Bewertungen für Snappr Immobilienfotografen in Miami.
Mit Snappr kannst du einen Fotografen auf Abruf in Miami, FL buchen. Sieh dir das Video an und erfahre mehr dazu.
I got started in photography when my dad purchased his first big professional Nikon (film at the time) I was fascinated by all the things it could do. So that's when I started shooting at everything I could, from rocks with nice lighting to every animal in the zoo. Fast forward to college, when I have some FAFSA money left over, I did the best purchase I could have done, bought me a DSLR camera, and haven't stop shooting since.
I love capturing images, making them one of a kind. There would never be the same moment in time again unless you measure everything and control the environment. I also love interacting with people, telling them how I see the photo and then been able to show it o them and seen their expressions are priceless. And when it comes to product photography, since I study Industrial Design, I like to capture every detail of the product when I'm taking the photo, is fun.
My favorite place to shoot in Los Angeles would be in the city. All around the city there are many places where, a grey wall with the right light would have an interesting shadow, with a subject in it will make a great backdrop for any photo.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro Immobilien-Auftrag | 4.9 |
Immobilien Miami Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 236 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Immobilien-Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 2.5 |
Immobilien Fotos pro Stunde in Miami aufgenommen | 1,476 |