Nikon D850, Nikon D4Dave is a freelance photographer based in Plymouth covering the South-West of the UK. Covering Weddings, Events and photoshoots. He prefers to work with a full range of photography subjects and people allowing for a more varied work life.
He recently left the Royal Marines to make photography his full time occupation after serving 10 years in the MOD. With the intent to transfer as photographer in the Royal Navy, he was utilised as an Unofficial photographer using all of his own equipment. He quickly learnt to adapt to every situation and welcomed the challenge by covering Sport, high ranked / VIP visits, portraiture, Christmas balls, regimental events, field combat exercises and yes, you guessed it, weddings.
All of this along side his love for just getting out and about to take photos of local towns, coastal areas, churches, mountains, animals and many other subjects that again, has made him a very adaptive photographer.
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