Snappr Workflows lets you connect Adobe Creative Cloud and Amazon S3. No code required
Adobe Creative Cloud is a cloud-based app that allows users to create and edit their own graphic designs, videos, and web projects.
File Management & Storage
File Management & Storage
File Management & Storage
Amazon S3 is an online file storage web service offered by Amazon Web Services. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. It is a storage for the Internet.
File Management & Storage
File Management & Storage
File Management & Storage
Meet the most used Workflows integrations to connect with Adobe Creative Cloud
Get an Element from a Library + Generates a new Image
Meet the most used Workflows integrations to connect with Amazon S3
Triggers when you add a new bucket + Upload an element
Triggers when you add a new bucket + Generates a new Image
More than half of the Fortune 500 top companies use a Snappr product. For big business, what separates Snappr is its ability to drive high-end image production at scale.
In no industry is the need for fast, high-quality affordable visual content more pressing than for marketplace businesses. That’s why 48% of the A16Z Top 100 Marketplace companies use a Snappr product.
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