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Sergio V.

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 based on 187 reviews

Sergio Vasquez is an experienced full time photographer who developed a passion for photography at an early age. With over 11 years of professional experience in various areas of photography, and over 500 professional assignments, he has gathered a unique set of technical skills that allow for him to be able to transgress the boundaries of a specific categorization. He has worked on sets with world renowned talent ranging from WWE Divas to talented chart topping musicians, and fortune 500 companies but has always pride himself in delivering the best product possible for any campaign he has worked on no matter how big or small. His skill set has allowed for him to range his work from portraiture, to commercial campaigns and corporate event coverage.

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Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Canon 24-105mm f/4 | Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 | Canon 16-35mm f/2.8


Real Estate








More about Sergio V....

What do you love about your job?

I love being able to show someone what everyone else sees in them. This is why I have focused a lot of my career in portraiture. A lot of the time I will get a client who sees the final product of our shoot and is ecstatic about the results and comments to me that they never thought they could look that way in an image and the feeling you get when you hear those words is nothing short of awesome, couldn't compare it to anything else. This goes for business owners as well, whether it'd be how happy they are with how their products are displayed in the imagery or how good their staff looks or their building, it's always a great feeling seeing a client blown away by the final product you provide them.

What types of shoots have you done and how did you make them special?

My range of shoot types is quite broad. Ive' covered sporting events, photographed live music events, done portraiture for musicians, done environmental portraiture for chefs, influencers, professional race car drivers, you tubers, professional wrestlers and so on. I've also done lifestyle work for big name brands. Those are some of my favorite, since I get to be creative, for example I did a lifestyle shoot with Rolls Royce and a popular travel influencer in which we were provided a car for the day to use however we wanted. So being in Miami, me and the influencer decided that we needed to take the shoot to the Wynwood Art District to take advantage of the colorful atmosphere and walls in the area, and we thought it would be great to do something different seeing as the brand is not usually photographed in such a setting. The brand ended up loving the images and we we're published in a Miami luxury lifestyle magazine as a result as well. I try to do things that I haven't seen done before, in order to differentiate my work from others.

Awards, honors, and recognitions received

I've had a number of publications in different magazines, as well as a mention of my work in Sports Illustrated. Along with a top 50 "Photographers you need to shoot with" on Kaboom Magazine for 2017 placing at #7.

A fun fact about this photographer

I speak 3 languages (French, Spanish, English), but I don't tell any of my friends I speak French. Whenever I meet someone else who speaks French and strike up a conversation with them, whoever I'm with always gets very confused as to where that came from and give me the usual "You speak French??? Since when?".

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