*Not one of these photos were taken by a Snappr photographer. Our photographers are professionals. They are the best food photographers in the world. They would never do anything this horrible, even if we asked them to.
Before you look away in horror, know this: these images were sent in by our enterprise partners to see if Snappr’s Central Editing team could fix them. That’s right! Editing. Snappr isn’t just the best photography company in the world, we also offer the services of our incredible editing team. These photos were a test of Snappr’s Editing-As-A-Service (EAAS?) capabilities, and our partners definitely went… ahem… out of their way to find the worst possible images for us to fix. And great job doing so. They’re pretty terrible. So please have a look at some awesome(ly bad) photography and some superb editing, and let us know what you think!
1. The Table from Hell

OUCH. One of our partners sent in this god-awful image to see what we could do. I’m not sure this qualifies as a food photo… more of a food murder scene, perhaps. Note what the Snappr Central Editing team did to this sad moment: nice lively background added, cleaned up the table, a fresh salad appears out of nowhere, everything looks edible… the edited image could pass muster in any dining array. Nice job, Central Editing.
2.Why? Just.. Why?

Another classic here. The background is ugly, the angles are a disaster, the food looks like it’s over a week old and the surface is just sort of... there. Pretty bad, guys! But luckily Central Editing came to the rescue with a color correction to make the food look edible, an angle adjustment so we are no longer in rough seas, a nice contrasting surface for everything to rest on, and a warm, inviting background. This food disaster is officially FIXED.
3. Think Before You Shoot

I… umm... I don’t really know what happened on the left there. Somehow they made potato chips look unappetizing, and used 3-day old roast beef. I get the whole thing about saving money on food costs but… really? They also missed part of the plate and seem to have shot the poor “sandwich” on the café floor. A litany of bad decisions here. Yikes. But.. Central Editing to the rescue! They ordered up some “object completion” and fixed the missing plate, added some life to the beef and chips, and hey - they even added more potato chips once they got them looking edible. I am a fan of more chips, aren’t you? Not only does this dish look like a great lunch, but now it’s on the table instead of the floor. Win win win win.
4. It’s All About Angles

More floor photos. Egad. What possessed people to put food on a floor and photograph it is beyond my comprehension. But it’s not about me. It’s about editing. This could not have been easy to repair, but the Central Editing team has made this salmon salad look quite nice. Check out that camera angle fix - awesome. Plus color correction and lighting to make the food appetizing; and once again the food has been raised from the café floor (honestly, what on earth were they thinking??) to a nice marble countertop. Snappr’s editing team is possibly using magic at this point.
5. It’s a Wrap. We Think.

There were a lot of hilariously bad photos to choose from, but this wrap took the proverbial cake. The color is gray and purple, the plate is… steel? The image is cropped to within an inch of its life and… well I could go on. But you see that Central Editing has made this sad little snack look as good as it could - we have a new plate, a nice new surface, a bunch of color correction, and almost an entirely new wardrobe for our naked lunch. Amazing job, editing team! And that, as they say, is a wrap.
Today’s dining market, whether you make the food or deliver it, is a competitive business. Raise your conversion rates with professional food photography, and make it easy on yourself - automate and scale up with Snappr for Enterprise. Can’t afford new photos? Let us make your UGC and old photos look new again. Our Central Editing team is here to help and as you have seen, we can fix almost anything. Note: each of those fixes were under $15!
Snappr is the largest on-demand photography company in the US, with the most extensive photography coverage and more food photo specialists than anyone in the business. Our network of photographers covers 90% of the US, AU, CA, UK, & NZ, and specializes in all the key visual elements to attract diners online and increase the conversion rates of your business. Snappr also offers real-time scheduling, a full suite API, and editing-as-a-service. 1 in 6 US restaurants have had their menus photographed by a Snappr photographer. If photography is important to your business - and if you are serious about digital marketing, it should be - let’s talk.