Online marketplaces sell nearly everything these days. Many of them are dependent on the users submitting photos to showcase the product or service being offered. Like a box of chocolates, not all the uploaded photos a marketplace receives turn out to be winners! In this blog post we’ll focus on how Snappr helps its vacation rental, venue, & home improvement marketplace partners gain an edge on the competition.
Before we jump in let’s define the editing improvements you are about to see:
- Image Enhancement - the process of adjusting digital images so that the results are more suitable for display.
- Color Correction - involves adjusting the colors to make them as accurate as possible.
- Cropping - Cutting away part of the original image.
- Resizing - Changes the dimensions of the image, ultimately affects file size & image quality.
- Object Removal - Removing unwanted objects or content from the image.
- Spot Removal - repair a selected area of an image by sampling from a different area of the same image.
- Sky Correction - Changing the look of the sky to be more aesthetically pleasing.
- Upscaling - Converting low resolution into high definition.
1. The Clutter Bomb

Don’t let your home improvement specialists sell their work short. It’s hard to prep a worksite for a good photo shoot.
Editing Service: Object Removal (lots of it!)
2. I’ll just be 5 minutes...

In dense cities you will almost always run into parked cars when trying to photograph the exterior of a property. Don’t fret, our expert editors have made more cars disappear than your favorite magician - Presto!!
Editing Service: Object Removal
3. Where’s the party?!

Think we got lucky on the one above? How about 5 cars...bam!
Editing Service: Object Removal
4. Duck Duck, Gross!

Remember when Uncle Tony decided to fry a turkey on your new cement pool patio...Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that old grease stain (we mean the actual stain, we can’t fix Uncle Tony).
Editing Service: Spot Removal
5. Got the Blues?

The pandemic restrictions may have made life slightly dull over the last year but that doesn’t mean your vacation rental photos need to follow suit. Travel is back! Highlight those outdoor areas with crispness and color.
Editing Services: Image Enhancement, Color Correction, Cropping & Resizing, Upscaling, Object Removal
6. Funeral or Wedding?

Gloomy days give off all the wrong vibes. Command top dollar for your venue space by investing in some color!
Editing Services: Image Enhancement, Color Correction, Sky Correction, Cropping & Resizing, Upscaling
7. The Makeover

Test time. Which editing services did this photo receive? Answers below, no cheating!! Extra points if you can spot the 5 objects removed.
Editing Services: Image Enhancement, Color correction, Sky Correction, Cropping & Resizing, Upscaling, Object Removal
Side note: The orientation of the photo was off. The white lines indicate where the corrections were made. This one was a curveball. Great eye if you detected this change as well.
Object Removal locations: