Mehr über Tyler W....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love the freedom in creativity with photography. I enjoy that every job is different and every job can come with a new challenge.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done many types of shoots everything from food, portraits, cars, live concerts, and probably anything else you can think of. I make each photo special by putting my heart into every shot and by not stopping until I get that perfect photo.
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
I have had some of my photos and videos for restaurants published across their website. To me it's super cool to go to a website and see your work throughout their site.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I actually went to school for audio production and that's where I discovered that my love was actually in cameras and not in audio.