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Sophie F.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 5.0 von 5 basierend auf 8 bewertungen

Sophie is a London born and received her BA from Manchester School of Art. She has spent time working as a Set Designer before becoming a Photographer. The story tellings skills she learnt through set design have influenced they way she captures a portrait.

Through her immense love of the romantic era artwork, her work can be described as ethereal. Through the tones and light that she uses to influence her work.

trophy Vorgestellt als einer der Die besten Fotografen in London
Sophie F. jetzt buchen arrowAutomatische Matches

Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Canon 16-35mm f/4 | Canon 85mm f/1.2 | Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 | Canon 70-200mm f/4 | Canon 85mm f/1.2






Mehr über Sophie F....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

The collaboration with people and the way we can sculpte the shoot to reveal how we tell our story.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

I have photographed many portrait sessions. I find no session to be the same even if it's a recurring sitter. A days happenings influence our energies and by acknowledging this I hope to create a truthful connection to the person I am photographing.

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

In 2020 (mid pandemic) I moved to Copenhagen, without work or friends. Two years on I had established a successful business.
It's very rewarding to throw life upside down every once in a while.

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