Mehr über Roddy M....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love stories and telling those stories. I believe everyone has a unique and interesting story, no matter the reason for the shoot, I want to make it more than just simple pictures and videos. I want it to show who you are and what is behind the reason for the shoot.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
Recently, I have had the pleasure to do several businesses and commercial shoots. Everything from headshots, homes, buildings, offices, and even some product photography have all been fun and creative. I've enjoyed taking these in a natural habitat to really show and express that this is where these things or these people exist day to day.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I currently don't have a degree in film, or photography, but spent most of my life as a singer. While I have always been a person in love with both, I have spent as much time in front of a camera as I have behind it. I think this has really helped me in the field I am in today.