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Oscar S.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 5.0 von 5 basierend auf 1 bewertungen

Hard worker out of Minneapolis, MN brought by humble beginnings that have molded him to who he is today. Surrounds himself with other unique individuals with like- minded goals of success. Lifestyle photographer with a moody style yet can tackle any type of photo shoot. Known by Sotahboy on social media where he tips his hat towards home by adding “Sota” to the beginning.

trophy Vorgestellt als einer der Die besten Fotografen in Minneapolis
Oscar S. jetzt buchen arrowAutomatische Matches

Canon EOS 6D | canon r


Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 | Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 35mm f/1.4







Mehr über Oscar S....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

I love being able to turn my hobby into work someone hangs on their walls. I would never in my wildest dreams think that would happen to me.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

Like I stated previously I shoot different kinds of events. When I shoot weddings for example I make sure to capture those moments that are so natural unique for the couple. For instance when I went to California I shot a beautiful shot of them in a sparkler tunnel that was my favorite wedding shoot to this day.

Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen

Unfortunately I have not won any awards yet.

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

Fun fact about me is I run a social media account with over 170k. I love to read on the weekends and obsessed with movies.

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