Mehr über Nicholas H....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I fell in love with photography because of the ability to capture, display, and re-connect with that moment later on. It is truly powerful to be able to photograph a moment of joy, or beauty; it could be a wedding, or of a cultural event, and convey that to a larger audience in order to explain how a place was or feeling of that moment.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have had a few projects when I was travelling where I was privileged to shoot for tourism agencies and also properties. For example, I was able to fly my drone and film at an archeological site in Colombia - Cuidad Perdida "The Lost City". I took special attention to capture the history and the spectacular mountains to then create a story in post-production. I have worked as a press fellow for a social organisation where I created content to show what happens on the project. I took many photos in poor neighbourhoods in Colombia to show inequality and how the volunteer project can aid the imporverished.
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I spent the last 2 years living in Colombia and speak Spanish!