Mehr über Michael L....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love being able to freeze a moment in time! After a moment has passed, the only thing you have to look back on is the picture of the moment! That's it! Pictures help keep special moments, people and places close to our heart.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I've done weddings, engagement sessions, portraits, real estate, babies, company headshots & food. The way that I try to make them special is to always remember to "take a look at what I'm looking at." By this I mean that I take a moment and examine what I'm actually seeing through the lens. It's so easy to point & click a camera and not pay close attention to what you're seeing. Taking a moment and really thinking about what you're looking at leads you to getting more creative with light, crops, angles and depth of field.
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I have written and produced music for feature films and reality TV shows.