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Maddie A.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 5.0 von 5 basierend auf 1 bewertungen

I started photography in middle school when I was in a photography and glass art class at my school. Ever since I fell in love with photography and found that it was my creative outlet. Since then, I have had training from others, youtube, workshops, and more photography classes throughout my education. I did an internship for photography at a church when I was 19 and that taught me so much about the technical​ sides of photography and how social media is used now a days for photography. My new found passion for photography really came after I had to have surgery that ended up damaging my memory. What brought back old memories for me was photos. Every time I saw an old photo, it brought back a feeling and memory from the past. It made me realize the importance and value of photos. It's not just photos, it's capturing a memory. I want to be able to create that for others.

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Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Canon EOS 77D


Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 | Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 | Canon 50mm f/1.8










Mehr über Maddie A....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

I love capturing moments in time for others. When I photograph seniors, I know that they will always look back at their photos and remember that time in their life. When I take photos of families, I hope they can enjoy looking back at those moments when their kids were younger. I love meeting new people and being able to make connections. I have made so many friends over doing collaborations photo shoots through Instagram or through clients. I love feeling proud of my work. Even if I see flaws in photos, I take that as an opportunity to learn and grow. I love how there is always growth and change in photography. It makes it exciting! I love meeting fellow photographers and being able to connect and relate on that level.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

One shoot that I did that was very special and important to me was a project for my photography class my senior year of high school. I wanted to show what feminism means to me. I got a group of about 10 girls together and did a shoot with all of them in the studio at my house. I chose girls who were diverse and special to me. I captured different stories through the pictures. I had one photo where all the girls were wearing crowns and holding hands. That was meant to show that being a feminist is all about sisterhood. I took a photo of a girl in a graduation cap to show that women can be successful. Another showed two girls who were different races helping each other do their makeup. It was a very special photo shoot for me and for the women involved.

Other special ones to me are couple photos and family photos. Those are ones that I know they can look back on for years to come and I always feel honored to be a part of that. The best is when I get long thank you notes or when parents of seniors thank me and feel really grateful​ for the work I've done. That makes the hard work so worth it.

Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen

Honors in photography at Lake Washington High School.

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

I am also a musician. I got in a top choir in the United States and had the opportunity to perform in Carnegie Hall!

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