Mehr über Coby ....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
Honestly I love the science behind photography, lighting, style, and color. It's kind of like a game to use what you have to get the best possible outcome for any given scenario. I also love the traveling aspect, getting to meet new people and pets, not sitting down all day but using my creative gifting to explore and capture whats in front of me.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done hundreds if real estate shoots and I have been in a long progression of getting better, learning more, watching YouTube, and finding a great rhythm. I think the key to real estate besides the obvious lighting, flash, etc. is making people feel as though they could live in the house and showing the real personality of the home even in small features. I also have done a lot of headshots and take headshots for certain brokerages, I think simple is better with headshots and good lighting and a good smile can go a long way. As I've said casual family shoots are my favorite because you can see the personality of each person come alive on camera.
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I love to read and learn everyday, I'm always listening to podcasts.