Mehr über Katie H....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
They say when you do what you love, you never work a day in your life and I’m thankful that photography has always been a joy for me. I love meeting new people, thinking creatively and ending up with a stellar end result!
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I’ve done weddings, headshots, events, real estate and products and I try to use my experience and creativity to make each shoot captivating and unique!
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
I’ve had several private exhibitions of my photography and have years of personal recommendations from past brides and clients.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
One of my favorite trips growing up was caving with Girl Scouts. There was something thrilling about crawling around in the darkness, getting muddy and exploring hidden places.