Mehr über Jason C....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love the technicalities that go into image making - the series of complex creative choices a photographer has to make in order to capture that one image. A powerful image is usually one that seems effortless to make but which in fact, took a lot of planning, conceptualizing, and technical skill to follow through.
In terms of food photography specially, I love food and I love playing with food. I enjoy finding the best angle and lighting to make a particular dish shine and what I strive for in my image making is recreating the vivid emotions connected to the subject through my lens.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done on-location food photography for restaurants in New York City. Unlike many other food photographers, I get very much involved in the food styling if possible. I tend to start my session by discussing with the chef and owner, finding out how I can make a particular shot look more enticing but yet stay true to the dish.
I've also done professional portrait photography for actor's headshots, fashion catalogues, and corporate photography.
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Born in Singapore, studied in the UK, currently living and working in the US.