Mehr über Guennady R....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
Photography forces you to be attentive and intensely in the present, making your entire mind and body focused on the beauty of the moment and how to unveil it and make it last for our enjoyment forever.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done photo shoots for engagements, romantic sessions, lifestyle, clubs, events, and many others. I make them special by focusing on the details that tell the story of their protagonists. Highlighting the extraordinary in what seems mundane, but in reality, showcases the beauty of the life we experience.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I dedicate at least six hours a day to photography, whether paid or just for the love of art. I feel that a sunrise or sunset that escapes without photographs is one lost!