Mehr über Dean C....
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
2020 Temples of BBQ honored by the World Gourmand Cookbook Award foundation as being one of the top seven BBQ cookbooks in the world for the past 25 years.
2018 BURNT - How a fire saved my Life
Winner Best Short Short AOF Action on Film International Festival 2018 Las Vegas
Winner Best Short Short Hollywood Dream International Film Festival 2018 Las Vegas
Winner Best Short documentary AOF Action on Film International Festival 2018 Las Vegas 2018
Winner Best International Short Short at New York's Cutting Room International Short Film Festival 2018
2016 Temples of BBQ won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award for Best BBQ cookbook in the World in 2016.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
My previous career of 19 years was as a chef in the Michelin-starred restaurants of London and France.