Mehr über CC W....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love first and foremost about my job is that I have been able to create a style that is unique. I love that through my many ventures as a photographer, and the many types of projects and subjects I have shot, I have a new and different way of looking at the work than most do. Most wedding photographers have never shot freerunners and parkour athletes I have. Most Behind the Scenes Photographers have never shot maternity, boudoir, or engagements, I have. The fact that I am able to pause a moment or segment of time and emotion, and capture that for all of eternity, is truly an awesome gift to be able to share with the world. The ability to capture all different types of activities, faces, realities, and environments and am able to tell their story well, is a huge pat on the back to me and my work, as that is what truly matters to me at the end of the day. Seeing the satisfaction and joy from my clients when they receive their photos or projects back truly is the best part of the job.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I do not have a "speciality" per say in photography, but my specialty could be considered capturing the moments and essence that is curated in front of me from my subject. I have shot clothing, jewelry, many different athletes, singers, artists, live events, family portraits, weddings, engagements, maternity, and the list goes on. The key in making any shoot special and intimate is the ability to express human emotion and truly represent what the essence of the subject is, or what the essence of the brand is trying to portray. If you fall in love with your subjects, they in turn will fall in love with you, what you create from love is magic.
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
I have photos featured in Vogue Magazine with singer Billie Eilish, Frowning UK Magazine with singer Billie Eilish, and in the online Movement and Parkour site MuvMag.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I have been riding horses for over 20 years. I am a stunt woman as well as photographer, and have been sword fighting since I was 6 years old.