Mehr über Beau S....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
Shooting photos is never really the same from one day to the next. It is always challenging to create a game plan for how you think it’s going to go, and then having to scrap that plan and make a new one a few times while making the whole thing look seamless. It makes taking photos really stimulating, that is if you like a little adrenaline rush which I happen to do. There is also so much to learn. I never studied photography formally, so I have had the opportunity to discover the art on my own, which has allowed me to keep an open mind about the subject. I am also constantly reminded that I have more to learn, which I think is good for all of us. It is also a job that I very much like to take home, so my life doesn't feel so compartmentalized.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done weddings, music festivals, families, portraits, real-estate, product shoots and even a birth. I think that with most shoots, it is important to get to know the client. Everyone is different, and requires a personalized approach. I really like shooting bespoke products for this reason. You really have to create a set of images that represents the artist in a personal way, and I think I have accomplished that by paying attention to the artist as well as their product.
With people, I think it's less about getting "their good side," and more about listening and allowing myself to be led by the subject. In many projects, that has led to photos I never thought I would take and that the client appreciated very much.
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
I am considered to be the best photographer in my family by my mother.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I sing and play guitar, harmonica, and some other random things. In my traveling years I busked on the street in many cities as well as Europe, Morocco, and Israel. I have also officiated a few weddings. One thing that I have semi-jokingly thought about was putting together a package where I officiate, photograph, and play music for a wedding.