Mehr über Aly M....
Was liebst du an deinem Job?
I love the creative freedom photography gives me and there is a never a boring or repetitive moment since each subject, person, and place is unique.
Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?
I have done weddings and enjoy making the shoots fun and stress-free for everyone; it really captures the joy and beauty of the day.
Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen
While I have not won any awards for my photography, I enjoy giving photos as gifts and am honored to have my work on display in many living room walls and office spaces.
Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen
I enjoy ulua fishing off rocky cliffs and my biggest catch is 60 lbs. I also love to surf and freedive.