Snappr bringt dich mit ausgewählten -Fotografen in Princeton zusammen. Noch nie war es so einfach und so erschwinglich.
Stöbere in diesen bestbewerteten fotografen aus Princeton, NJ
Erfahre, was Kunden über die am besten bewerteten Snappr fotografen aus Princeton, NJ sagen.
Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.9 von 5 basierend auf 114 Bewertungen für Snappr fotografen in Princeton.
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I got started with photography when I traveled to Iceland when I was in 7th grade. The way the snow and mountains framed every shot I knew that I fell in love with traveling and with capturing moments. From there, my god father gave me his old Olympus 35mm and I learned dark room printing at an arts summer camp. There is a bit of magic when you see your prints get developed. Going from nothing to an image, its amazing.
I love people. I get to connect with people in a new way when I take their photos. I don't have to speak their language (but I do know how to say "Can I take your photo please" in 7 different languages) and I get to know their face. The lines on a face, to me, tell more than a conversation most of the time.
I live in Jersey currently. One of the best things is when I am working with a client, its overcast. We pull off to abandoned barns or fields and get to experience the true Garden State.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro -Auftrag | 4.9 |
Princeton Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 135 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines -Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 3.8 |
Fotos pro Stunde in Princeton aufgenommen | 1,283 |
Du kannst die besten Snappr-Fotografen in Princeton auch nach Shooting-Typ durchsuchen.