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My grandfather being the town of Babylon's known photographer, as well as shooting for the local papers, I always was interested in photographs and being able to capture moments in time. I took photography in highschool and always wanted to take photos of my friends. I dressed my friends for photoshoots and tried to plan out location shoots but with tiny point and shoots, the quality was never there. I Attended the art institute of Pittsburgh where I learned to hone my skills and discover my personal style of photography. Unfortunately due to my health and finances I was unable to continue my education and had to leave the school after a year and 3 months of attending. I was devastated but my love and determination to better myself never faded.
Being able to capture those special moments, watching peoples eyes as they relive that moment that they thought would only be fixed in their memory for a short while. Being able to hold on to that memory as a physical image, knowing that it shall not fade. Showing the brilliance of a musical artist, or a fashion designers creation is a priceless thing to me. It's like you capture beauty that can be held in your hand, cherished and never forgotten.
Shooting downtown in New York, soho, chinatown and in brooklyn. Something about the architecture and the grit, street art, It makes me feel in my element. I love to contrast dramatic street with soft subjects or vice versa.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro Babys-Auftrag | 4.6 |
Babys New York City Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 571 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Babys-Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 2.0 |
Babys Fotos pro Stunde in New York City aufgenommen | 2,853 |