Fashionfotografen in Michigan City

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Die Top Michigan City Fashionfotografen, 2025

Stöbere in diesen bestbewerteten fashionfotografen aus Michigan City, IN

Fashion photographer in Michigan City
Taylor F.
Michigan City
camera Nikon D700

I attended Nossi College of Art for 2 years and obtained a bachelor's degree in digital photography. I have since been contracted for all types of work. I shot, edited and helped put together an entire website for a local salon with 46 employees. I designed my own website and (obviously) took and edited all the photos. I'm also the photographer/ media manager for a small business called Sunshine Solutions, LLC. I love photography, I knew from my first photo assignment many years ago that It was something I wanted to pursue seriously. I've even considered opening up my own mobile studio. Up until now I've been content freelancing, but I'd genuinely love to take it to the next level.

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Statistik für Michigan City Fashionfotografie

Fashion Michigan City Shootingaufträge pro Tag4
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Fashion-Shootingauftrags (Stunden)5.0
Fashion Fotos pro Stunde in Michigan City aufgenommen46