Snappr bringt dich mit ausgewählten veranstaltung-Fotografen in Miami zusammen. Noch nie war es so einfach und so erschwinglich.
Stöbere in diesen bestbewerteten veranstaltungfotografen aus Miami, FL
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Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.8 von 5 basierend auf 248 Bewertungen für Snappr Veranstaltungfotografen in Miami.
Mit Snappr kannst du einen Fotografen auf Abruf in Miami, FL buchen. Sieh dir das Video an und erfahre mehr dazu.
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had a sense of wonder for photography. I have memories of playing with my dad’s camera and films—fascinated by this piece of equipment with all its buttons—and flipping through our family photo albums. I was captivated by this art, and, over time, my curiosity and enthusiasm to learn more only grew stronger. As an adult, my childhood passion took back seat to a more practical career. My life path not only led me to experience spiritual growth and reconnect with myself but also revived my old passion: Photography. Being a visually-oriented person with an obsession for details has enabled me to pursue photography as a hobby— and now a career. So, while my day job over the last few years was in finance, I began to build my photography business—taking courses, working on my skills, and gaining clients.
I have been absolutely amazed and humbled by all the opportunities I have been given. I’m so grateful that I get to do what I love: connecting with people on different levels, building trust and using my camera to capture not just moments, but the essence of people’s feelings and emotions along with their stories.
My favorite places to shoot around are the parks, the beach, and old-fashioned streets.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro Veranstaltung-Auftrag | 4.8 |
Veranstaltung Miami Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 101 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Veranstaltung-Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 3.5 |
Veranstaltung Fotos pro Stunde in Miami aufgenommen | 886 |