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Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.9 von 5 basierend auf 306 Bewertungen für Snappr fotografen in Kansas City.
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I was a senior in high school and my childhood sweetheart was a film guy. So I got interested in photography and got my first film camera. I would photography everything from under the sun, all my girlfriends and I horsing around, dead animals, textures, trees, fields, etc. From there, I started taking senior portraits of my friends and the rest is history.
Honestly I love freezing moments in time. The best part is learning my clients appreciation for those moments frozen in time. I love being able to document a young and growing love and then taking photos of their babies, then watching these babies grow to adults. It's such a wholesome experience to meet people and feel like their family.
I personally love to climb rooftops. I just did a yoga pants shoot on a rooftop overlooking Kansas City at sunset. The girls would do handstands and yoga poses with a city in the back ground. Another place I like to photograph is any pretty little flower field. You can't go wrong with flowers everywhere. Recently, since we've gotten so much snow, I shot a wedding down by the Missouri River, where the river was frozen over with snow and bridges in the background. It was truly magical.
Portfolios ansehen und buchenDurchschnittliche Startbewertung pro -Auftrag | 4.9 |
Kansas City Shootingaufträge pro Tag | 767 |
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines -Shootingauftrags (Stunden) | 3.8 |
Fotos pro Stunde in Kansas City aufgenommen | 7,291 |
We're proud to announce that Snappr has finally arrived in Kansas City! We're the brand new photography marketplace that's shaking up the professional photography world. Using Snappr, you can easily book a photographer of any kind of specialty (parties, products, portraits, and more!) in just a couple minutes. Plus, because we take the onerous weight of marketing and networking off the backs of photographers, we offer rates that always beat the market average. If you'd love to have more beautiful images in your life, you need to give Snappr a try!
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